Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I will change the world

I do not measure my worth by how much I change the world, like so many other people. I am a simple person and do not strive to impact my community. Don't get me wrong. I believe that changing the world and impacting the community are both great things.

I strive to impact my children in a positive way. ♥ That is how I impact the community! I believe that children are like clay, we mold them, we create them, and we impact them. I know that by impacting them in a positive way, I may cause them to impact someone else the same way. Thus creating a ripple effect!

In my own childhood I needed someone to look up to. I needed someone to show me the way. I like to say that I learned what not to do, as a kid. I learned not to do drugs by watching others around me. I learned not to be abusive to those I am "supposed" to love, by watching the abuse around me. I learned that, even if you have to swallow your pride to take care of your kids, you do it!

I love my children and would do anything in the world for them.

Always remember to reach for attainable goals. Impact your kids in a positive way, today! ♥


Anonymous said...

Wise words...

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